
23 January 2012

Artist Training Grounds - January 2012 - Day 2

I feel really sorry for Phoe.

Well, no, let me rephrase that. I feel jealous for Phoe, but I'm worried for her. She went through a lot of pressure lately, due to the overwhelming income of artwork she got on Day 1, and on Day 2 the whole submission system they had set up from summer went bananas and started promoting a republican pre-campaign website. All in all, that gave me time to catch up with stuff and make my Second Day Entry, which is down here.

I can't wait to see the themes of the next assignments. This is going to be fun.

DAY 2: Draw a pony training. What's better than seeing AJ bucking some sand sack with her girls? There's not enough Bucky McGuillicutty and Kicks McGee fanart out there. Also, those aren't socks! They are like those fingerless gloves that kick-boxers and fighters wear, or like those socks without toes that fighting videogame characters use. You can consider them socks though, even if they aren't.

You can check the Equestria Daily post right here. I am number 151.

AJ's hooves. They need some hardcore training to be that badass.

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