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29 April 2012

My TOP 10 Favorite MLP:FiM Characters: Season 2 Edition

So season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is over and now we enter into the drought of the summer. That time that we all look forward to because we are given the keys to the kingdom of Equestria so we can build our little fan theories, our head-canons and a bunch of fan content that might very well be demolished by the time season 3 clocks in.

But let's not think about it now and let's have a retrospective look into this season that just ended. What a great season, don't you guys and girls think? It was filled with a lot of great moments and even greater characters, but what characters do I consider to be the best? Now, this is a totally opinionated article, unlike my episode reviews and so there is a lot of personal choice involved in here. I will give my set of rules that I followed to custom this list but of course, that's after the break.

22 April 2012

My Little Succubus: Love is Magic "A Canterlot Wedding" Review

Guys, I'm scared.

No, seriously, I am literally afraid of this review and of what happens after I publish it in my blog. I think I have never approached writing something while feeling the nervous grip in my gut that I am experiencing right now. I've reviewed every single episode of Season 2 in this blog: Everyone. I've been through the hard times with you guys, and we've shared opinions in really interesting conversations down in the comments. But this is the first time I feel things aren't going to be so peachy. You know me. If you follow my blog from Equestria Daily you know how I am and how I like to explain my thoughts. You know I don't simply wave my hand and say "This sucks, lol roflcopter", I actually take the time to explain my opinion. And even with that, even with all that, I have the feeling you are not going to like what I have to say. But I beg you to read to the end so you can understand my point.

20 April 2012

UPDATES CONTROL - Reviews, Articles and Post-Season 2 Stuff

What started like a small post became quite a big list of things I have left to do and things that happened to me lately. So many things that are things of other things. Enjoy the listing of things after the page break. If you can stop looking at Twilight petting Rainbow Dash.

13 April 2012

Papercraft and Braiding are magic, biatch!

Oh brother, my life suddenly got busy right now.

You guys might baw and whine that there is no episode this weekend and that the next episodes we are having are next week and we are not having new ones until the fall. I personally am thankful about this. I have so many things to do that I need to slow down and yet I can't. I feel like aboard a train that has no brakes and that is heading towards a pile of plushies and pegasus feathers. It might sound cuddly, but the impact is still going to hurt.

Luckily I have some more papercraft and pony moding goodness to share this week! Plus a future "Top Ten List" for middle of next week.

8 April 2012

My Little Portal: Friendship is Magic. "MMMystery in the Friendship Express" Review

I've been doing these episode reviews for such a long time, that I was starting to fear not knowing how to start an intro to the next one without making it sound forced or cheesy. As the season progressed I was running out of themes and things to talk about that would later on segue seamlessly into the actual review of the episode. I talked about politics, health, education, entertainment, but I never had the chance to talk about job situation. As I am typing this right now I am feeling super tired after a hard day at work and by the time you are reading these lines for the first time I will be working the night shift. so you can see I totally sympathise with poor Pinkie Pie in this episode. Sadly for me, the place where I work is not nearly as interesting as a train full of sweet desserts. But then again, that's why we watch ponies, to evade into a fantasy land where cities made out of doughnuts exist. Into the review!

3 April 2012


I took a while to figure out how I was going to approach this entry.

This isn’t my typical blog entry where I talk about an episode with a carefully lined out review, or where I rant angrily at game because the programmers forgot to put on their programming hats when they stepped out their doors that morning.


Like Mass Effect 3, this review is a horse of a different color. This is targeted towards those people who, like an angry mob, invaded the internet with their loath and hatred towards this game. Because I think somebody here is doing something they shouldn’t be doing.

1 April 2012

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. "Ponyville Confidential" Review

When talking about how close we are to the ending of this season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I have to think my words carefully, and write them even more carefully. Don't get me wrong, I am surprised at how quickly this season passed by. I mean, it feels like yesterday when we were all like "Oh my God that's John de Lancie in the Season premiere!". And now we all are "Awwww, it's three more episodes and it's over". Guys, I actually can't wait for the season to end. No, seriously, I want it to end. You have no idea how stressful it is to have a normal Saturday schedule when ponies are set at such disastrous time for me. Disadvantages of living in Spain, and having a pain in the ass for a family. But that's life. Grab a helmet and hold to your hunches, we have an episode to review. Onwards!!!