The Weather Forecast predicts a possibility of a TL;DR with a high chance of a whole review after it. For those who wish to enjoy the rest of the day off and not read the entire review they can check the TL; DR which will include the answer to two questions. Is this a good episode in Friendship is Magic standards? Yes, it definitely is. Is this the best episode of the season? Let me clarify, it's not my favourite but it's going to be many people's favourite episode and for good reasons, and if we are objective about this it can very easily be the best. And if you hang around and read my review I will tell you all why.
So the episode starts with Rainbow Dash flying over Ponyville as she bombards everypony with pamphlets about how she's tired of Princess Celestia's dominance over Equestria, and her plans to assemble an army of pegasi to take over Canterlot. No, of course not, but don't tell me you didn't have some sort of propaganda flashback when you saw that scene. She flies around Ponyville dropping pamphlets announcing a meeting at Twilight's library that night, and all pegasi must attend. What is this meeting for though we will have to find out after the intro. She even has the power to summon James "The Mule" Wootton back from Season 1, and I have to say that made me happier than it should have. To her pleasure all the pegasi attend the meeting. Well, almost all of them. Fluttershy doesn't want to for some reason and she hides into a tree costume. This is the show makers throwing a brick joke at us and hitting in the right spot. How many kids will link Fluttershy dressed as a tree with her line from "Over a Barrel"? It is certainly one of the best cosplays I have ever seen. Or is the correct term "Leaf Suit"?
It also brings nightmare fuel memories from The Wasteland - Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers. |
Things turned awkward when she asked her to read a shipping fanfic starring Dash and Soarin'. |
We then cut to what I assume is Froggy Bottom Bog (it looks like it and it has the same pale greens and browns) as we see Fluttershy crying her eyes out while Angel tries to comfort her. I want to think Angel changed after the last episode he was on and is now being kinder to Fluttershy, but I actually think this is him just being him. He can be a jerk to Fluttershy and he can force and abuse her, but when she's really down he is going to take care of her and make sure she's fine. Otherwise, who will get him his food? I'm kidding, it's pretty obvious that Angel does care for her, as well as all the other little critters that try to cheer her up. It was a nice role reversal to see all the squirrels, bunnies and badgers nursing Fluttershy when she is the one who usually takes care of them. That was a really neat touch. So, after a rather short but effective confidence building session, Fluttershy puts on the head and legs bands, plays "You're the best around" in her iPonyPod and starts the training montage. I'm not the biggest fan of training montages but this one was actually pretty funny. There is something about a winged horse getting pulled by a butterfly that makes me giggle. Besides it ends with a beautiful shot of Fluttershy against the sun, and I'm a big sucker for beautiful visuals. With all the power of the eighties in her wings, Fluttershy races the track again and manages to quadruple her previous mark! The only problem was that her previous mark didn't even reach 1. With a tiny 2,3 Fluttershy gives up and goes away, defeated and broken, but she's not the only one. When Spike tells Dash not to worry about it, since they have enough wing power to move the water, Rainbow simply replies:
"If only we could have enough power to move Fluttershy"
Once again their friendship pokes out! That was great. That little allusion right there says that Rainbow Dash doesn't care for the record or the water, she cares for her friend Fluttershy. Those of you who say that she isn't the element of Loyalty, I will always refer to you to this clip to make you shut up. She is loyal and she cares for her friends.
She also cares for how well The HUB's ratings are doing. |
"If I'm going down, I'm going down flying! Come on ponies! Let's make it happen!"
I had my heart jumping, and my inner child applauding and cheering. That was awesome and so in her style. So she gathers her team again and they get rolling once more. Fluttershy gets thrown against the machine as Twilight keeps checking the readings. The speed is steady at seven hundred and ninety five, but it doesn't get higher. Twilight shouts to Fluttershy that she has to break through her fears and do this for them, for Cloudsdale, and for herself. Swallowing hard, Fluttershy takes the goggles Twilight gives her and steps inside the tornado. Slowly but surely she starts flying and making the wind go faster. But she is left behind, the memories assaulting her again. Those kids laughing at her, echoing in her ears, mining her confidence. But then she says stop. She just had enough and with a growl of confidence turns those fears into strength. She flies faster, leaving the others behind and making the anemometer pass the eight hundred barrier, thus pumping up the tornado and sending a column of water into Cloudsdale's Weather Factory. The tornado dissolves as the pegasi break formation and they all go to celebrate a job well done. Rainbow Dash rushes to Fluttershy to tell her that without her help they couldn't have done it. In Spitfire's words, even if they didn't break the record they proved to have a lot of guts. The episode ends with Fluttershy delivering a moral that many of us should consider, especially in this day and age. Even if our contribution is small it does count, and we should never give up in giving our best even if we think it's not worth it. Keep your head up, believe in yourself and you will discover that great things will happen to you.
So that was "Hurricane Fluttershy". What do I think about it? Well guys, if I had to use one word to describe this episode I would go for strong. Because this episode is one of the strongest, most powerful episodes of the entire series. Cindy Morrow's writing here is like a punch that breaks through walls of steel. There is no other better word to describe it but solid and striking. Morrow's work shines like gold and that's not surprising because, well guys, I apologize to those who check my reviews to see what I hated about this episode because I didn't hate anything! This is something that has happened to me with every single episode she has written (yes, even with "Gryphon the Brush Off"). I didn't hate anything of this episode, not even a little bit. There are things I liked a lot, and there are things I liked a little, and since there's a lot of liking let's focus on what I really, really liked.
First of all, Fluttershy. Those who know me and talk to me know that I've been hating Fluttershy a lot lately and that's mostly because of "Putting your hoof down". I don't care how adorable you are, you don't make Rarity cry like this. So I was prepared for this episode to bring back my appreciation for Fluttershy. It did. It so did. The episode didn't even have to finish for me to love Fluttershy again. Half way through I was already invested into what she was going through. It's amazing how well it builds up Fluttershy's lack of confidence, her childhood trauma, her efforts to break through it and finally her victory over her fears. When she runs away and then turns around, with her face covered in tears and her voice broken, I had to choke a gasp. That shocked me, I love when cartoons get brave when portraying mental breakdowns. Like I already said, I'm pretty sure I was getting into it because I know what it feels like to get picked on in school and having those experiences haunt you for the rest of your life. I wasn't a strong guy back there, heck I'm not a strong guy right now, so it didn't take me long to side with the meek pegasus on this one.
Especially in this part. Sweet mother of Luna!!! |
It's great to see Spitfire showing up again, even if all she did was just standing there and look badass, but then her work is to supervise and make sure that the water gets transported on time, not transport it. So those who might have called her lazy or irresponsible for staying there and not giving a hoof to the Ponyville pegasi, it wasn't her job to do so. She is the supervisor, and she was blown away with the results. If anything she was great for congratulating Rainbow Dash on a job well done. It's awesome to see Twilight bringing in technology and science, always keeping the irony of a magical unicorn talking like a scientist. Spike's acting during the whole episode is hilarious, even if at the end it was kind of weird to see him playing a flute like a satyr, but then again I think there is a mythological reference there somewhere, you guys can tell me in the comments. However, the Grand Winner of the Funniest Thing in this Episode award goes to that Bulked-up White Pegasus with more muscles than wings who could only say "YEAH!". Anytime he showed up in the scene I couldn't control my laughter, he is hilarious. I like how they use him as a background joke instead of giving him dialogue or making rude to the other characters. He is just super motivated and he looks hilarious with his tiny bitty wings and those blood-red injected eyes. It was a lot of fun. It was also pretty funny to know that Twilight doesn't know how to speak squirrel (even though Tara Strong does know how to speak it). And of course, it's pretty cool to see Derpy hanging around the background so much during this episode.
It is a pretty gorgeous episode too! This is probably one of the best looking and most distinctive episodes of the series. The training montage has really good looking visuals, with Fluttershy's silhouette cut against the glowing sun, or her dancing in a field of dandelions. There were a lot of different pegasi in the screen without evidently noticeable clones, but then again I am not one of those people who pauses and freezes every frame in the hunt for goofs. That hallway made out of red eyes was terrifying. I know there had been instances where this show has given some good nightmare fuel (like Discord's head detaching itself and turning into a balloon, or Opal coming out of Angel Bunny's throat) but man... I have to throw an ellipsis there, there's no other way to describe it! Eyes terrify me, they horrify me, so Fluttershy's ghastly expression very well reflects mine when I see that. Jayson Thiessen, guys at Studio B and DHX, your cartoon for little girls just terrified a 27 year old guy who falls asleep watching "Alien". And you guys are proud of it! You rock. It still looks great and makes it a memorable punchy moment. But of course, the star of the show here is that tornado. It appears that anything that looks cool and is cool in the Friendship is Magic universe comes from weather or seasonal events: The Sonic Rainboom, The Zapp Apples, Winter Wrap Up, The Running of the Leaves, and moving the water to Cloudsdale is no exception. "Twister" is my third favourite film of all time (not even kidding, it totally is) and that tornado was awesome. It's sad we couldn't see more of it, but what we got was radical. Pegasus ponies are a bunch of tough guys and girls, no wonder they are so resilient. They must be made out of Chuck Norris or something.
Overall, it was a fantastic episode. My friend called it "Fluttershy's Sonic Rainboom" and I can very well see why. This is going to rank as one of the best episodes of the entire show for how strong the writing is, how beautiful the visuals are and the powerful character relationships. It's one of Rainbow Dash's best episodes, definitely Fluttershy's best episode next to "Stare Master" and "Dragonshy", and without a doubt one of my favourites. If things were as good as this episode is, well, we might as well remove the word "bad" from the dictionary, forever.
We should add "bro-wing" instead. |
- Defining Moment: My heart is split between that nightmarish mental break down where Fluttershy warps into a tunnel of eyes, or the whole ending segment with the tornado. Either of those.
- Moral: It doesn't matter how important, how big or how strong you are. Your contribution, though small, will always count and it might even be the one that makes the difference to achieve things.

I have been following your review since The Last Roundup, and once again, another good review.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you did make a mistake early in the review. You state that she (Rainbow Dash) wants to break the record established by the "CANTERLOT" team. It wasn't supposed to be the Canterlot team, it's supposed to be the Fillydelphia team.
But anyway, in my opinion, this is one of the best episodes of this season, along with Sweet and Elite, Lesson Zero and A Friend in Deed. Cindy Morrow has done an excellent job for this episode, and it's definitely her best of this series. Seriously, there's just a lot of great things in this episode, which has already been stated in your review.
Thank you for checking out my review!
DeleteI just fixed that mistake, thanks a bunch for pointing it to me <3 I don't know what I would do without your help guys.
I also found a fault:
DeleteWhen Twilight tells Dash not to worry about it, since they have enough wing power to move the water, Rainbow simply replies:
However that wasn´t Twilight, that was Spike. Twi hasn´t said much during the arguing of Dash and Fluttershy. Instead she gave Spike a slap to the head for being insensitive, hoovsigning him to be quiet and after he said they got enough WP to break the record she uses her magic to drags him off (and give him some spanking on his butt XD).
I know its really late, but maybe you could also fix this if ya want.^^
Thank you!
DeleteHow could I miss that? I'll fix it.
Este episodio fue fantastico, me gusto como logro no solo hacer que Fluttershy se viera bien, sino que tambien Rainbow Dash sin que se robara todo el episodio.
ReplyDeleteDefinitivamente uno de los mas fuertes episodios de toda la serie.
Es cierto que Rainbow Dash estuvo a puntito de robarle el protagonismo a Fluttershy, pero Cindy Morrow supo dividir el peso de la historia muy bien entre ambas.
DeleteMuy fuerte, un episodio muy fuerte.
I think you managed to sum up everything I liked about this episode.
DeleteThat's what I'm here for :3
Excellent review, though I feel Angel redeemed himself beyond "looking out for his best interest." But thats just me.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to check out my recap of the episode, with screencaps, at
I will go check it out right away ;D
DeleteAngel is a-okay in my book once again.
You forgot to mention the eyeball scene had a demonic "bwa ha ha ha" laugh in it.
ReplyDeleteIts those little touches that make this show great.
DX I didn't forget, my mind blocked it! And now you reminded me DX Goodbye sleeping, I am so having a nightmare tonight...again.
DeleteThe eyeball hallway wasn't even a blip on my radar. Much like how annoying Navi is, I wasn't even aware it was an issue until I started reading comments online.
ReplyDeleteThis episode was pretty much perfect. I can't even think of anything to say about it. It's so hard to describe why things are good. I'm much better at figuring why they're bad.
I'm so glad to be rid of Merriwether Williams though, I truly am. If she pens the finale I'm gonna be peeved, no lie.
You are tougher than me ;D
DeleteThis is one of those episodes where everything is perfect. Great episode.
I don't think M.W. is doing a bad job, but she's not espectacular either. Oddly enough, her episodes appeal to my fascination about the characters getting abused (verbally and physically). I mean, good God, Fluttershy insulting and degrading Rarity and Pinkie Pie was hurtful and hard to watch DX
Great episode, definitely up there with Luna Eclipsed and the unmodified The Last Roundup. The only thing I think I have to point is the music on Fluttershy's montage. You see, I'm a metalhead. I don't play any instruments, nor do I have any profound insight into music, but I found that specific track really meaningful. Transmitting a message without words, a message about a trek, or a quest, about overcoming yourself, about betterment of oneself. Pretty much the scene itself, but when you take into account the music, it goes to show the care for detail the guys doing the show display.
ReplyDeleteOnly one more thing. During that montage, in the last wing pushup scene, Fluttershy is seen "sucking up a tear". That detail there, that maybe half a second, is so meaningful that I don't know how exactly to express it. I think that moment went to show Fluttershy mentally preparing to overcome her fear. Steeling herself against the mocking laughter.
Or maybe I'm seeing too much into little details.
It is a very badass music piece, certainly resembling of the eighties and nineties movies about conquering fears and defeating Dojos that are next to fish shops.
DeleteYeah I think you over-read that. It's a funny visual gag that shows her sucking up and toughing up. Nothing more.
I know no one has the same tastes, but honestly I thought fluttershy's training montage was awesome!
ReplyDeleteI also wasn't a fan of 'Shy, but this episode has totally given me a new appreciation for her. Also as you noted the voice acting and the scenes where she is breaking down where absolutely heart-wrenching.
Great episode, good review!
Oh, I liked it, I'm a sucker for montages. Rocky is my favorite movie series of all time.
DeleteThat scene where she runs away, but then turns around and cries her eyes out pulled too many strings for me to remain impasive. It was WOW. Just amazing.
There was an animation error on one of the background ponies other than Derpy who had the crossed-eyes. I forget where it was but I am sure someone else has put a time stamp on it on the internet.
ReplyDeleteI loved how the put so many different touches they put into this episode. Other than the missing Yee-ahhh that should have been at the end before it faded out (something like a Pinkie Pie breaking fourth wall), this was a perffectly fulfilling episode. I really think they are getting better at this, and I really hope some cool things to pop up in the future.
Well, we got a CMC episode coming up next week, and those were my favorites until recently with all the amazing mane six episodes. Part of that change is the greater resonance the episodes have with an adult fan reading, and part of that is the episodes are just better (the staff is really having fun with all that latitude they have). I still have Sweetie Bot's voice in my head, which gets me in the mood for some awesome CMC parodies.
Oooh Cloud Kicker? That's not an animation error, she was derped in Episode 5 of season 1 already.
Delete"It's awesome to see Twilight bringing in technology and science, always keeping the irony of a magical unicorn talking like a scientist."
ReplyDeleteI don't get it, how is that ironic? Why wouldn't the study of magic involve science? :P
Because the basics of magic is that you don't need to explain anything.
DeleteSeeing a unicorn trying to find a scientific explanation, with empirical data, rather than just hoof-waving and saying "this is magic, I don't need to explain it" is something I've never seen.
But then, like Arthur C. Clarke said, "Advanced technology is not too far away from magic". I think that was the quote.
great episode and funny review! I think this is one of the best morals so far, because its true that every little bit helps
ReplyDeleteIt really was a great moral.
DeleteAs a typical overthinker and devil's advocate, I object to the moral because it is not always true. Unless if your goal is 3 and your function is the infinite sum of 1/2^n. In a slightly less abstract example is trying to reach the speed of light. While speed increases linearly, the energy required grows exponentials as you approach the speed of light. It would require vast amounts of energy just to get a tinsy bit faster and you would never actually reach the speed of light since that would require infinite energy. In short, sometimes that little bit is more helpful in another place especially when the task is futile or progressively harder with more participants.
DeleteDid you know that when you step into an ocean, you are actually raising the water level? It's true. Your body is displacing water so the water must rise in order to compensate for the space it can no longer fill. However, this amount is negligible considering the difference in size between a human and the entire oceans of the world.
DeleteDespite this, you've still made a change. I'd say the lesson of learning to prioritize where you invest your energies is separate from the moral of this episode.
It not so much priority but the idea that 'every little bit helps [or is meaningful]' is not always true.
DeleteThis is definitely one of my favorite episodes. The episode reminded me of what I liked most in the series, seeing the ponies interact with each other while in staying character.
ReplyDeleteI really like that the ponies stayed in character, which seems to have been a problem in many episodes this season. The many nods to the fandom and references to past episodes (including Sonic Rainboom thematically) coupled with good pacing and plenty of memorable moments made this such a good episode that I know I'll be rewatching it many times.
There's a lot of paralelism with Sonic Rainboom in this episode, especially if you consider this is the same scenario seen from Fluttershy's perspective.
DeleteYour reviews really are well made, and it is fun to read other peoples views on an episode, especially when they're as well-articulated as you. I can't say I disagree with you in any points here, and I'm most likely gonna keep reading your reviews as they come.
ReplyDeleteI gotta know, by the way, the whole "Nightmare fuel "The Wasteland"" deal with Fluttertree... Fallout: Equestria reference? C:
Yeah, it is a refference ;D But the show makers didn't make it, I'm just poking fun at the grimdarkiness of that fic.
DeleteA good review as always. I got Fallout feels from the film at the beginning too but wasn't sure if it was just me. Also Fo:E reference, eh? Not much to say, It was a great episode. I'll just drop my write-up here, again.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it's a FO:E refference, let alone a fandom refference. However, that movie at the begining felt too Fallout-y for me to pass on.
DeleteOh I need to re-watch this episode again. I loved it. It was probably my favorite of the season - or at least right up there with Secret of my Excess and Lesson Zero. I loved the Fluttershy is a Tree - the moment I saw her eyes pop open in the bark I busted a gut laughing so hard and then had to rewatch it because I missed what they were saying!
ReplyDeleteI also give props to you again because you totally made me realize the strong friendship Fluttershy and Dash have. I honestly didn't notice those moments before but when you pointed them out I was all 'Oh yeah... they ARE there'. Now I realize RD and Flutter are probably the closest pair of the entire mane six since they knew each other since filly school, Rainbow stood up for her against all those bullies... but the more I think about them, the more I realize they have a really comfortable, strong bond between each other. Sure, RD gets frustrated with Flutter a lot but that's kinda normal between good friends - no matter what though she's always there for her when she really needs her. Loyalty, ah yeah.
I mean I know I'm telling you things you already know xD you're way more perceptive then me. I need to take this show more seriously methinks!
OMG! I am mad cuz I can't find out the name of the muscular white Pegasus that yells "YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!"
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't have an official name, but Roid Rage is probably the most common fanon name. He's also called Snowflake by some people.