When talking about how close we are to the ending of this season 2 of
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I have to think my words carefully, and write them even more carefully. Don't get me wrong, I am surprised at how quickly this season passed by. I mean, it feels like yesterday when we were all like "
Oh my God that's John de Lancie in the Season premiere!". And now we all are "
Awwww, it's three more episodes and it's over". Guys, I actually can't wait for the season to end. No, seriously, I want it to end. You have no idea how stressful it is to have a normal Saturday schedule when ponies are set at such disastrous time for me. Disadvantages of living in Spain, and having a pain in the ass for a family. But that's life. Grab a helmet and hold to your hunches, we have an episode to review. Onwards!!!
I think you guys might not have heard the word, but there seems to be a pony around that calls himself TL;DR. I know! What kind of pony name is that? This pony is spreading rumours about the recent episode, he says things like, even though this isn't the best episode of Season 2 it's certainly one of the very best. Too bad that the only way to understand why he's saying this is by reading this entire review, that is, if you trust the word of a pony who's name is made up.

So the episode starts with me arriving way too late at home and having to wait five hours until I could get a hand on the 1080p version on YouTube. I know, it's whinny and all that but do you have any idea how difficult it is to avoid spoilers in the Internet? I had to sign off from Twitter and Tumblr to avoid getting the episode ruined for me. Thankfully, all my concern was for nothing. Now seriously, the episode starts with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with the blues as one of the ponies in their class got his cutie mark. His name is Feather Weight, funny how we've never met him until now, I guess Ponyville does work according to plot convenience. His special talent seems to be light as a feather, which makes sense because he is a pegasus. I mean they walk on clouds, they are either light, magical or both. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are depressed as I said, but then comes Applebloom, throws a newspaper at them and tells them, as she points to the newspaper, that there is a great idea in there for them. So, not wasting any time, Sweetie and Scoots grab the newspaper and proceed to show every type of thing you can do with it, from stuffing boxes for transport to building giant paper ships. Wow, I didn't know one newspaper could have enough paper to make a giant paper boat. But of course, rule of funny on one hand and brilliant writing on the other, Applebloom meant that they should work for the school newspaper and so they set themselves to do so.
Exclusive photos from the last "News of the World" meeting. |
After the intro we are taken to the class where Cheerilee presents the aspiring journalist ponies their new boss and editor in chief, which is none other than
fan favourite best pony of all time in Equestria Diamond Tiara! I should insert a troll face link in that last sentence. I know many people do hate her, but I personally have no problem with her. She's actually a very interesting character in this episode, I will explain why I like her so much later on, now onto reviewing. She's determined to make the
Free Foal Press (that's the name of the school's newspaper) a much better newspaper and for that she needs good stories, so she sends Feather Weight to take pictures of everything, and the CMC to find stories to write about. Sadly though they end up falling into embarrassing Chekhov plot points, and the stories they get from them are not precisely juicy. After getting kicked out of the editing room, the CMC stumble across a rather weird scene. In the school's backyard Sweetie Belle spots Snips and Snails with chew gum stuck to their flanks. Okay, I rise the question. How did that end there? I understand sitting on it, but how did it got connected between them? What were they doing? My money is a failed bet. They were making a stupid bet out of it and they ended up with half their fur coat ripped off. Heck, even half of their cutie marks are gone, temporarily I hope. But again, rule of funny, and seeing other people with chew gum in their hair is always funny. Diamond Tiara is so pleased with this, and with the fact that the CMC came up with an alias to sign their column on gossips, that she gives them that as their only assignment. It may seem easy, but it's not. Coming up with gossips is hard when you are limited to the school backyard.
Alternate title for the episode was "Rupert Maredock, the Early Years" |
It's not until a visit to Rarity's boutique when Sweetie Belle realises that they shouldn't limit themselves to the school. They should expand to all of Ponyville. So without wasting any time they embark themselves into finding more gossips and stuff for the newspaper to print out, which causes such an impact that even the news agents of Ponyville want to get copies from them. As silly as this sounds, think about it for a second. Ponyville is part of Equestria, which is already a pretty idyllic society. There seems to have no recession or war, and when no big problems hit the presses you know very well what people go for: Gossips. So, even with all the silliness, a news agents asking a school newspaper for copies, especially if it's only about gossips, it's perfectly understandable, I bet you not this has happened in real life before. We then cut to a scene directed by Quentin Tarantino and Joss Wheedon (you know very well why I say that) where the Mane Six minus Rainbow Dash are having a hooficure at the spa. This is probably one of my favourite scenes in the entire show, but not for the reasons you think. I liked how casually they introduce their opinions on the gossip column doing something I can perfectly imagine them doing in a weekly basis. Besides, seeing Applejack in the spa proves how far she's gone in character development. From not wanting to put mud on her face to enjoying a good back massage. That was lovely. When Rainbow Dash shows up to talk about "
The Great and Powerful Trixie" (cue Sethisto's fanboy squeals) Rarity suggests her to try out a hooficure. In a rather subtle way we see Feather Weight taking pictures of the reluctant rainbow pony, who finally refuses to get her hooves touched. However, before leaving, she mentions how much she'd love to get a column dedicated to her. And then the entire Internet mumbled "
Careful what you wish for". The CMC are told by Diamond Tiara that they have to step up and get meaner with their articles or else. So the three fillies, rather reluctantly and quite unhappily, get down to work and start ripping the mane six to pieces. They call Applejack lazy, they discover Big Mac is a brony (or a Smarty Pants fan, does that make him a Pantsy?), they call Twilight a snob, Pinkie Pie a party animal, reveal that Fluttershy has tail extensions and accuse Rainbow dash of enjoying hooficures. These are all fake of course, which makes it even worse than gossiping. There is invading someone else's privacy and then there is invading someone else's privacy with lies. It's not until rarity finds an article where they print her private diary that she finds out it was Sweetie Belle who wrote those columns with the help of Scootaloo and Applebloom.
"She published my clopfic! MY CLOPFIC!!!" |
After the entire town finds out it was them who wrote those articles, the CMC decide to confront Diamond Tiara and tell her they quit. But then she grabs them by the manes when she throws a bunch compromising pictures of them in very embarrassing Chekhov's plot point situations. The snotty pink earth pony spouts that if they don't have a gossip column ready for tomorrow she will post those pictures for all the town to see. So the CMC go onwards to find a juicy story to write. Sadly, and unsurprisingly, the entire town and the Mane Six refuse to talk to them. Rainbow Dash kicks a rain cloud over them. Fluttershy is too busy crying on her chaise lounge so she has Angel slam the door to them (I bet she'd have Angel do it even if she wasn't crying). Twilight has raised an entire magic barrier, that will make Jean Grey green with envy, around the entire house. And apparently Big Mac and Applejack swapped lines in the recording booth. Just kidding, the way they act is actually pretty interesting. They are not just hurt at how the CMC treated them, they are severely disappointed at Applebloom, who should have known better before doing something so harmful. Applejack refuses to talk to her, and lets Big Macintosh take care of the scolding and let me tell ya, when he talked every muscle in my body clenched. Big Mac is that type of character that you know he doesn't talk because when he does he could make mountains run away. It was really cool to see him call the CMC off, that was beautiful. Sadly though, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle don't find it as enjoyable as I do, and so they return to their club house to think on what to write on the newspaper column. Time passes by until the next morning when they show up in the nick of time with an article ready. Diamond Tiara, being the irresponsible editor that she is, prints the article without reading it. Horrified, she discovers too late that the article is an open letter to all of Ponyville where the CMC reveal their identity, explain the motifs of their actions, and apologise to the entire town about what they have been doing. This apology sets things up with their friends and relatives thus ending the episode's conflict. Diamond Tiara is kicked out of the editor's seat to be replaced by Feather Weight, and then she is down-graded to pressing pony. She slips in an ink puddle, she ends up covered in ink, and everypony laughs at the end.
I was going to show her covered in ink, but then I felt like trolling you guys a bit. |
So that was "
Ponyville Confidential" and yes it's pretty much like
that episode of "The Simpsons" in which Homer makes a blog and starts sharing all the gossips in Springfield, until the people find out who he is so he starts to fabricate them. What do I think of this episode? Well, I really liked it, but that's no surprise coming from an M.A. Larson scripted episode. Seriously, this guy has been on a roll this season. He wrote the two parter season premiere and five episodes afterwards. That makes him the most prolific writer of season 2, and for good reasons. I always praised his writing so if you want to know why I like him so much I will explain it real quickly right here, because I really wanna talk about the episode itself. M.A. Larson is the writer who gets the characters the best. He knows how to balance their traits good enough to keep them relatable but also to flex out new traits, and keep it all wrapped up with a neat bow of comedy. He also knows how to measure how much of each character is shown and gives them the importance they deserve. Since this episode is about the Cutie Mark Crusaders we see aspects of their lives that concern them. We see Scootaloo struggling to fly and failing at that. We see Sweetie Belle interacting with Rarity like sisters would, snooping around and having small fights. We see Applebloom getting embarrassed over her pictures and her family disappointed in her. But we also have enough of the other characters so we don't forget they are there, like Spike, Twilight or Pinkie Pie. So like always M.A. Larson's character writing is perfect. The key word here is balance. What about the story? Well, I was thinking on how the story works and all that and to tell you the truth I was going back and forth with it. There are many times when the CMC could just go to the Mane Six and say "Diamond Tiara is blackmailing us, we didn't want to do this" and they don't, so for a moment I considered calling the stupid card. But then I thought "What would I've done in their case?". I am too proud to ask for help, I hate asking for help, and I bet the CMC also have their pride. They don't tell anyone because this is their screw up and they have to fix it themselves. No one else can. That's another good lesson to teach the kids. And speaking of which, I think the lesson of this episode was both delivered great (another thing M.A. Larson does great, delivering morals like nobody else does in this series) and was very relevant more to the adults than to the kids: It's a bad thing to spread rumours and gossips about other people, so don't do it if you don't want them biting you in the flank. I want to point fingers at certain places on the Internet that do this (and certain people) but I won't.
Okay, that's for story and writing, what else did I like of this episode? Well, let's get out of the way the fact that, again, I didn't hate anything. Two for two, that's a good season ending right there guys, keep it up. But before I talk about what I liked, I can't go any further in this review without explaining why do I like Diamond Tiara so much.
You know who I am? I'm the filly who's going to burn down your stable! With your apples! |
You guys have to understand that I like bossy female characters. I enjoy female characters who are petulant, obnoxious, abusive even, and Diamond Tiara fits really well. Her preppy voice, her aura of superiority, all that over confidence and her prissy voice, they all make her a great character, but I think all of it is a facade. I don't want to get into any head canon or anything, but I've seen that kind of behaviour coming from the type of people (ponies) who have a bunch of insecurity. She tries to hide it by being so forward and so insulting to others, and so narcissistic to herself. Like I said, I am trying not to overanalyze here, I was thinking this as the very first time I saw her in "
Call of the Cutie". But that's not the only reason why I liked her in this episode. If you take into account where she comes from, none other than the owner of the oldest business in all of Ponyville (Filthy Rich inherited the business from his father), you can understand why she is taking her job as chief editor of the school newspaper so seriously: She just wants to be like her daddy. Now, who could blame her for wanting to be as successful as her dad? Even if it's thanks to a silly newspaper. So in the end I do like Diamond Tiara, but I totally understand why people hate her. You can call her my guilty pleasure character, and come to think of it she's the closest this cartoon has to a recurring villain.
"Yes, my little ponies. Play, prance and laugh. Your day is coming. And then you will all bow to me!" |
I liked a few other things. I really liked Rarity, especially when she breaks into fits of anger. Her "
I will destroy her!" cracks me up, with the dramatic red background and her pose, and when she kicks open the door to confront her sister it's just hilarious. Even the music playing sounds like a Shakespeare play, it's so theatrical which is a theme that fits Rarity like a glove. Her fawning over her hooves in the spa is also pretty funny. The spa scene was just so bizarre. Don't get me wrong, I loved, I really did love it. If you know me well enough you'll know why I loved it so much, but there is something about ponies getting their hooves polished and then painted using one of those toe-spreading styrofoam thingies that is just weird. I said Diamond Tiara is a guilty pleasure of mine, you can say excessive focus on pony hooves is another guilty pleasure for me. Now I want to eat a marshmallow. Radically changing subjects, I think the new pony we are presented with, the thinly framed Feather Weight, is a pretty good pony. I liked how he looked like a male version of Fluttershy, and for some reason he kept reminding me of
Joseph Mazello. Even though I kept wondering how his camera works, it was cute to see him taking pictures everywhere. I bet him and Pipsqueak would be great friends. As long as they don't start working together building a social network for ponies everywhere. I loved the fact that this series uses the term "Party Animal" to describe Pinkie Pie. Ashleigh Ball used it once to describe her, it makes me wonder if that was after recording this episode. The crowning moment of awesome however goes to Big Macintosh and the way he scolds the CMC.
Peter New has an amazing voice as he sounds both badass and heartwarming. Kudos to you sir, you are wonderful! Celestia getting caught while eating cake is hilarious, as well as the Mayor not being naturally grey, which raises a few questions. Does that mean she's younger? What kind of woman would wish to look older? I can smell a fanfic coming. The typewriters in Equestria crack me up. Seriously, they are the most efficient typewriters ever. Three keys (two big keys and a space bar) are enough to type any letter in the alphabet. Not even an iPhone is so efficient.
Out of all the episodes of this season, so far this was definitely one of the best. I just realised I've been saying that a lot lately. It was fun, it told itself really well, the characters were in character, it was funny, it had great memorable moments, and overall it was enjoyable. It's not M.A. Larson's best work of writing (but that's debatable as his work just oozes quality and it's hard to pick one) but that means nothing. His average quality level is many writers' highest quality level, so take that into account. It makes me feel rather odd however. This was a great episode, and it was about journalism! The only way they can top a similar subject again is by making an episode titled "All the Queen's Mares" where Twilight is Robert Redford and Pinkie Pie is Dustin Hoffman and they have to uncover the Cakegate incident.
- Defining Moment: The Cutie Mark Crusaders stepping out of the editing room saying "Yes, let's go get some stories!" and then cut to the three of them sitting at a table looking bored like the design team for
Half-Life: Episode 3. "Got anything?" "Nope".
- Guilty Pleasure Moment: Anything involving Diamond Tiara.
- Moral: If you spread rumours or lies about other people you will only end up doing a lot of damage, especially to yourself.
Great review (as always).
ReplyDeleteRegarding Diamond Tiara's character - I get the impression that, of the two, Silver Spoon is the more secure/self-reliant and is not so dependant on the opinion of others as Diamond Tiara.
- HB
P.S. I love the graphs at the bottom of each review--especially the one from "It's About Time".
Silver Spoon is surely the one that's more open to interact with other ponies as well. I mean, she was clapping at the end of Granny Smith's story. She is kinder than Diamond Tiara.
DeleteI will miss doing these graphs.
Maybe Mayor Mare is related Party Animal Pinkie Pie and she doesn't want to show it?
ReplyDeleteThat . . . makes a disturbing amount of sense. Their manes are even vaguely similar in shape.
DeleteMayor Pie?
Two things. First: "She also published my clopfic! MY CLOPFIC!!!" hilarious, and I can imagine that Rarity is obsessed with yaoi.
ReplyDeleteSecond: Rainbow Dash is not coltly enough to brave a hooficure, and the CMC did her a favor by showing her overcoming her not being afraid. Rainbow Dash needs some lessons from Dusty.
I was so tired when I wrote this that my grammar was all over the place. I am sure you will understand.
DeleteNo worries for the typos ;D
DeleteI liked Rainbow Dash not daring to get a hooficure. She can create a Sonic Rainboom, but she can't get a hooficure. She cracks me up.
Excellent review as always bro, I love your captions for the various pics used.
ReplyDeleteAs always, you can also check out my review for Ponyville Confidential over at http://www.chimicherrychonga.com Thanks everypony.
Will do! ;D
DeleteI realy like your image compilations.
Concerning the ultra-efficient typewriters:
ReplyDeleteAs we know, earth ponies and pegasi write with their mouths. Obviously, this is pretty difficult, and to make it easier, a system of very simple characters would be developed. A system that requires only dots and straight lines in varying sequences to indicate different characters, perhaps, which could then be written using a typewriter with only three keys: a dot, a dash, and a space. In other words, the most common pony script is... horse code. *ba-dum-tiss*
No, but really, it makes sense when you consider the difficulty of writing with your mouth. As for the obvious larger Latin characters, well, unicorns lacked the limitations in writing of the other two ponies, and developed a more familiar alphabet. These days, with the tribes united, unicorn text lives on as a different character set, somewhat similar to how Japanese has multiple character sets with different uses and origins. Though not all ponies can use it, they still learn it, and it is used for headlines because EXCLUSIVE is more eyecatching than · -··- -·-· ·-·· ··- ··· ·· ···- ·.
Nice theory, I will have to give it the amount of thought appropriate for this show [lots].
DeleteI really like that theory :D I like to think all ponies know "horse code". I never learnt Morse myself. I was never a Boyscout.
DeleteAwesome review! Though tl;dr, you don't need to read it to know that it's a great job. Maybe I'll read it when I have some free time (like 2 hours)
ReplyDeleteNo worries man ;D
DeleteLate to the party most likely, but why is "Episodes" in the place on the graph where "Minutes" should be? Please don't hate me for my n00bish understanding of your reviews. :')
ReplyDeleteNot late to the party, that's me being all Derpy Hooves XD I should've put minutes, I never noticed it says "episodes". I might change it for the finale.
DeleteThe typewriters probably use Google Tap (April fools joke product)
DeleteThe Mayor probably dies her hair gray to make herself look older and more distinguished.
ReplyDeleteThere is also people who love women with gray hair.
DeleteSo - how does this one hold up, then?
ReplyDeleteQuite brilliantly, actually. Apart from one little issue, this episode was everything an MLP episode should be - funny, while still character-driven, offering something for all ages (that DT poster is a freaking Citizen Kane reference, for crying out loud! How many people even among the periphery demographic have actually seen that movie?), and with a sound morale at the end.
The one little issue? The way the entire town hangs the CMC out to dry once it is revealed they are Gabby. Um...hello, Ponyville, hypocrisy much? Not to mention a massive overreaction? The Mane Six scenes where the CMC get confronted with the consequences of their actions were fine by themselves (the Applejack/Big Macintosh one in particular), but the entire town cold-shouldering them went beyond "just desserts" into "wow, that's just mean". Not to mention, who gobbled up the columns? (Hence why I call it hypocrisy.) Add to it that the three were blackmailed into writing their last few columns (which, admittedly, was not common knowledge), and that entire scene just felt cruel.
That part with the CMC being hung by the town makes sense if you take into account that they didn't stop working for Diamond Tiara. At any point they could have gone to any of the older ponies and told them what was going on. Instead, they kept doing awful articles. I say they got what they deserved, and in the end they apologized to the entire town, which settled things down.
DeleteThat's as may be, but it doesn't change the fact that we're dealing with a townful of hypocrisy here (minus Twilight, obviously). The impact of the Mane Six cold-shouldering the CMC was sufficient; everything beyond that was just unnecessary, made more cringe-worthy by the fact that we knew (though the town didn't) that the CMC didn't do this voluntarily.
DeleteThis is a minor issue, though, nothing like the story/moral dissonance back in "A Friend in Deed" or the "let's drive rational thinkers up the wall" aesop in "Feeling Pinkie Keen". And the episode ultimately did come around, so I'm not subtracting too much due to that scene. I guess this would rate at 3/4 stars, or even 3.5/4 on a good day. Not among the series' best, but still quite good.
Aww, because you didn't catch the stream you couldn't join everyone else in wondering what Featherweight's cutie mark was. I seriously couldn't see it before 1080pony came out and I know I wasn't the only one. I also find it interesting how I never questioned how or why the gum got to where it was. I think a failed bet is a safe bet. I, too, liked the spa scene, though apparently for a bit different reasons than you :3
ReplyDeleteA great review as always, though I have to question whether all of the later gossip columns were fake. We know that at least Rarity's was probably somewhat true, as it did have her diary. The others were either blatantly false or taken out of context, I'd say. I wrote a bit about everyone's favourite pegasus in my write-up, so won't write it here. :S Hey, segue! Here's said write-up for anyone interested. http://oi42.tinypic.com/seat5i.jpg
I wouldn't have joined anyways, I never watch the chat, I always close it.
DeleteMost of the columns were fake, except for Rarity's, which obviously proves she got her diary copy/pasted into the newspaper as she recognizes the words.
Oh, I didn't mean in the chat, I always have it turned off, too. I meant it mostly as in wondering to yourself but doing it at the same time lots of other fans do it.
DeleteAlso, true, they were all pretty much fake. I don't know why it took me so long to realize but if one compares the "tail extension photo" to Flutters in any episode one can see the photo is clearly manipulated; her mane and tail are longer than they normally are. So yeah, I guess they were pretty much all fake, except Rarity's of course.
I don't really have much to add this week. The review basically covered all the bases. Although, I can't say I enjoy Diamond Tiara. Bossy, bitchy characters are definitely not my cup of tea.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't really touch on one point I thought was significant though. Did you notice that the CMC didn't really have the major character arc this episode? They kind of already knew the lesson, even if they had to figure a way to intimate that to the rest of the town.
No, the real character arc this episode was RARITY. She promoted Gabby Gums' column, she encouraged Sweetie Belle to write it, she assuaged the rest of the Mane 6's trepidations about the column's invasion of privacy...and her wonderfully hypocritical chastising of Sweetie Belle was just amazing. Rarity was the real star of this episode.
As an aside...I don't appreciate the spoiler image at the bottom of the review. AT ALL. I work very hard to avoid those kinds of images. I mute the channel and close my eyes when they air on TV, I don't click past the break on EqD, and I don't read episode synopses on my cable's channel guide.
I don't want to, but if you do that again...that'll be the last review I read.
I really hated her in her previous appearances, but I really liked her a lot in this one. Now I see her in a completely different way, which is weird coming from me.
DeleteRarity was on a roll in this episode, I loved her moments. But then again, I love Rarity so ^_^;
Aww come on, that's not a spoiler at all. That's the Hub doing a vector of a preview. But if you don't want to read more reviews because of how I manage the blog, I'm sorry then.
I enjoyed this episode as well, but the whole time an itch in the back of mind kept comparing it to the episode of Hey Arnold! titled The Big Scoop. It did the whole "school newspaper publishing gossip to the point it went too far" thing as well.
ReplyDeleteYes, so did Spongebob, and Recess, and I think Doug, and gods knows how many other shows. I faced the same dilemma watching Twi's time-travel story two weeks ago. It felt so gosh-darned familiar.
DeleteI suppose every children's show with a moral will fall back on classic schoolyard tales eventually, but I'd hoped that MLP would avoid some of the more cliche tales until it *really* ran out of ideas...I was hoping ~season 4.
But that doesn't mean it wasn't quality viewing! I enjoyed both the episodes I just mentioned immensely.
FiM has cliche'd plots pretty often actually, but the thing is it pulls them off amazingly well, with its own unique flair.
DeleteYou know, I kept wanting to say something, but I kept putting it off xD
ReplyDeleteThere was one thing about this episode that really bugged me actually -
1 - Diamond Tiara and not for the reason you'd expect. I actually thought she was too NICE in this episode, Mainly I thought she was being too sweet to Applebloom. From her first appearance, we had been given this whole 'Diamond Tiara hates Applebloom, they are enemies' type of feeling and, having personally had an enemy all through my middle school years, I know what it is like. And Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell, by association are hated as well. Honestly, her telling them 'good work' or telling her 'how good their articles are' seems... unrealistic to me.
-Then again you could appoint this to her 'wanting to be like her father' and her knowing personally if it's good business then who cares were it comes from type dealio.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this though. I dunno if I was being unfair or not lol. All I really have to go on is my own personal experience after all.
However, I will attest that this episode had a great lesson to it and I love how after the whole diary incident, they made Rarity ask Sweetie Bell 'You didn't like me snooping through your bag, now did you?'. For seven year old children, that's a HUGE thing to learn, since kids are often pretty self-centered and don't really understand the whole 'Don't do onto others what you don't want done to yourself' lesson. The message was nice and mature and it makes me love this series even more because it's not all wishy-washy crap - it's very serious with its morals.
And fiiiinally, my favorite part about this episode... was actually the whole AJ is Big Mac, Big Mac is AJ scene. Combined with the music and Applebloom's stricken expression, I was literally in tears. It was just so sad!
ReplyDeleteOne of the best S2 episodes. 10/10