It’s difficult to measure the impact and effect of
something if we don’t see the it in its entirety. Sometimes we have to wait
years or decades to figure out if that one little incident that we deemed as
insignificant actually has caused some sort of world collapsing disaster. It’s
like that horrible movie “Cutthroat Island” causing a massive hole in the movie industry ten years after it
bombed in both box office sales and reviews. It wasn’t until “Marvel’s the Avengers” came into the
scene that the industry started getting better. Actions in the past can lead to
horrible consequences in the future, and not always is there a pretty pony
princess ready to save the day.
And then we have the Brony fandom. I don’t know about
you, but had the premiere of Season 4 been pushed another month (or, Celestia
forbid, to 2014) we would’ve seen riots of angry bronies setting containers on
fire in the news followed by a brief report about nerdy men been affected by
the visit of Aunt Irma. It’s taken 9 months to find out what kind of impact the
transformation of Twilight Sparkle into an Alicorn Princess has caused into the
show, so let’s stop beating around the bush and review this two parter.
Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve done this, but you
guys know the drill. Here’s the TL;DR to tell you that this might as well be my
favorite of the two parters and the absolute best Season premiere ever put
together by the writers, VA’s and guys at DHX. If you want to find out why,
please keep on reading.
So the episode stars where we left it in Season 3. The
Mane Six are in Canterlot and Rainbow Dash is giving flying classes to the
newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle. All this preparation comes to be ready
for the Summer Sun Celebration, which is happening in three days and, aside
from preparing the festivities, Twilight has to be ready to perform her part
during the events. I think it’s very clever to
address this right away, and in the exact same way I was imagining.
Having Dash teach Twilight how to fly is really cool, and it makes a lot of
sense when you think about it. After crashing for who-knows-how-many-times
time, Applejack helps Twilight to get up, and when she calls her Princess
Twilight asks her not to do so, because it doesn’t feel right when her friends
call her that. This is a good way to show how she’s still getting used to her
new title the same way she is still getting used to her new wings, something
that’s reflected by the fandom itself. The transition from nerdy unicorn to
nerdy Alicorn princess is not an easy one and it’s a great move to show this
right away and giving it the proper amount of attention. It doesn’t feel like
they are dwelling into it, and it doesn’t feel like it’s poorly explained, it
feels just right.
Can't say the same about Twilight's flying. |
We are then hit with the new intro and oh boy, where
do I start? Well, I have to admit it is pretty funny that the first thing we
see is the goddamn balloon. Three seasons later, we’ve had Twilight get wings, become
a Princess, fight Changelings, save Empires, defeat Gods of chaos, and she is
still riding the stupid balloon. I couldn’t do anything but laugh about it
because I pretty much resigned to them getting rid of that toy ploy. I was
confused at the halfway point though, because Twilight jumps out of of the balloon
and she doesn’t have her wings, though when she shows up at the end, surrounded
by her friends, she has her wings and now the letter that is sent to Canterlot
is read by both Celestia and Luna. Not to mention that Discord appears in the
background inside Fluttershy’s cottage. So, this intro is a mish mash of the
intros from seasons 1 and 2, and the events that took place in season 3. So I
came up with an explanation as to why this new intro is like this, mostly to appease
the need to buy another Twilight Sparkle Balloon toy and set it on fire. I
think the intro could be interpreted as a meta narration of Twilight’s journey
throughout the previous three seasons. We see Twilight arriving with her
balloon in Season 1, she lands in Ponyville in Season 2 (which is why we see
the train, Derpy, etc), and we see a slideshow of all her friends in Season 3
(with Discord, her transformed into an Alicorn, a big group picture taken at
the end), and finally the letter is sent to both Celestia and Luna in Season 4.
This is my way of seeing it, as a means to tells us where she came from, what
she’s done, and where she is now. I personally prefer this interpretation than
thinking that DHX and Hasbro were lazy, recycled the same intro and just added
wings to it.
But hey, to each their own, right? |
We then return to Canterlot castle where the Mane six
are looking at the stained glass window that shows Twilight’s ascension into an
Alicorn. Rarity then brings up how every pony dreams of one day becoming a
Princess, to which Rainbow Dash says that not every pony ever dreams of
becoming that, followed by Pinkie Pie drooling over her dreams of creamy
frosting. I am really happy that this dialogue exists. I like how they are
still addressing how there are many different ways to better ourselves, and how
there are many ways of being a person, how not all of them include acquiring a
position of power. Those who complained after what Meghan McCarthy said about every girl having the dream of becoming a princess can shut the fuck up. This cartoon
still stands on the diversity of personalities and life styles one can follow,
and this short little dialogue is all the evidence we need. We don’t need to
dwell on it, as it’s not the focus of the scene. The focus is Twilight, and her
concerns about the consequences that ascending into an Alicorn will have in her
life. Applejack then comes in to reassure her that her friends will always be
there for her, since they are all connected by the power of the Elements of
Harmony. After coaching some more confidence into Twilight her five friends get
into a train to return to Ponyville, leaving Twilight behind feeling like she
is missing something.
Wait a minute, where's my wallet? Oh, don't tell me it grew wings and flew away again! |
In the next scene we have Twilight organizing the
upcoming Summer Sun Celebration with the help of Spike and his new pencil! I
know it’s weird for me to point this it out, but of all the things that popped
up to me during this scene it was the pencil the one that stuck with me. Three
seasons later and he finally moves from quills to pencils, it was about time.
Pencil business aside we are treated with one of Meghan McCarthy’s favorite
writing quirks: Ponies losing their minds. Twilight starts worrying about
making the celebration as perfect as possible and so she starts flying unconsciously
until she knocks her head on the ceiling. If you thought Twilight losing her
mind and going all panicky was adorkable and funny, I think Princess Twilight losing
control of her flying is even more adorkable. She may have a position of power,
and more responsibility than before, but that only adds to her nervousness and
insecurities. I also like how they moved from “Randomly teleporting left to right” to “Flapping her wings”, it’s a much more appealing and visually
interesting nervous tick than just teleporting, not to say it’s weirdly
relatable. In the realm of possibility it’s easier to lose control of your body
than losing control of your magic powers. All this insecurity is probably why Princess
Celestia and her newly upgraded animation puppet decide to show up. It wasn’t
difficult for me to notice how her animation seems to have had a revamp. Far away
are those days where she looked stiff and weird. Now her animation is a lot
more fluid and organic, as fluid and organic a magical flying horse can be. Celestia’s
visit to Twilight isn't just to put her concerns to rest, but also to talk
about what the Summer Sun Celebration has always represented for her. For the
citizens of Equestria it always signified the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but for
her it was a grim reminder of the time she had to banish her sister.
It was a Tuesday when I banished my sister, can you believe that? |
It’s funny how we have never ever sat down and talked
about that one fateful night, and how this celebration always reminded her of
this. Celestia’s voice carries all the weight of one thousand years of doing this
celebration, putting up a good presence and a happy face for those who adore
her for saving them from Nightmare Moon, while on the inside she was broken by
what she was forced to do to protect Equestria. That scene is really heavy, and
it’s handled really well. No dwelling, no crying, but a lot of ominous
atmosphere in it. But then the tone shifts to a happy one because it was thanks
to Twilight and her friends that the celebration’s meaning changed and now it
represents the return of Princess Luna and the happy reunion of the two sisters.
Twilight still seems insecure about her responsibilities, so Celestia gives her
a few more words of support and leaves her to attend to her duties, only to be
assaulted by a snaking black vine not one minute later. I loved that. Any good
writer will know how to give the scene a tonal twist, and turning it from sweet
and tender to “Oh shit, we are so fucked right now”. It’s made even worse
because the scene fades to black as we hear Princess Celestia scream in the
struggle of the vines taking her, and that does terrible things to your
Insert "Hentai joke" right here. |
Twilight then wakes up only to find that the Sun and
the Moon are up in the sky at the same time, the citizens of Canterlot are
freaking out, and to make matters worse the Royal guards inform her that
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have disappeared. With both princesses
gone, and Princess Cadance overseeing the Crystal Empire, the responsibility of
Canterlot falls on Twilight Sparkle’s shoulders. The military and the Royal
guard are under her command. So what does Princess Twilight Sparkle do? Does
she go berserk with panic and loses her mind? Does she freak out and curls
herself into a ball? Nope, she stands resolved, confident and strong, orders
the guards to keep looking for Celestia and Luna, and to report to her on anything
they might find. Personally, I would have preferred her to order them to calm
down the population, keep the citizens under control and ease their fears, but
what matters is that Twilight didn’t lose her mind in such a delicate
situation. That, my friends, was fantastic. I had no doubt that the show
writers were going to portray the characters well and respectfully, but when
the writing comes from the person who gave Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Rarity respective
mental breakdowns you can understand why I am so pleased with this scene. It’s
also great how she doesn’t sound angry or upset, or even shaky. She sounds
confident but gentle, firm in her words and direct in her delivery, like a
miniature version of Princess Celestia’s regality. However that doesn’t last
forever as another Royal Guard comes into the scene to inform that Ponyville is
being invaded by the Everfree Forest.
Also, a volcano erupted, a hurricane flooded Fillydelphia and the prom is tomorrow! |
We go to Ponyville only to discover that it’s getting
attacked by black vines covered in thorns and greenish plants, and crazy
weather in the shape of spiky clouds. The Apple family is getting their farm
ruined by these weeds, Fluttershy’s cottage has become an improvised shelter
for all the frightened animals, Rainbow Dash is having an impossible time
dealing with the clouds from “Kirby’s Dreamland”, and Rarity’s magic has gone out of control due to some sort of
spore these plants expel into the air. These scenes are well done, and they are
fairly fun. Rarity’s cat Opalescence being attacked by an out of control teapot
and her switching off her magic like she’s putting off the flame of a candle
are very cool. But the whole thing seems too slapstick for me, so it ends up
becoming slightly uneventful, at least for me. It gets the point across that
Ponyville is fucked, and even though it goes on for a bit too long it still
Back in Canterlot we see Twilight getting her crown,
taking flight ala “Chitty-Chitty
Bang-Bang” and heading towards Ponyville to go get her friends and the Elements
of Harmony, since whatever it is that’s going on in Equestria at the moment
it’s going to need a rainbow beam to the face. The flying scene is not all that
interesting except for the fact that Spike manages to summon a safety belt out
of Twilight’s flank. I've seen some fans scratching their heads about this,
though I think it’s just DHX showing us that they worked in “Ed, Edd and Eddy”. Besides, this is a
show about magical flying horses, if you question the existence of a safety
belt out of nowhere you are definitely doing something wrong. Despite
Twilight’s extensive training with Rainbow Dash she has yet to master the art
of landing, so once they get into Ponyville territory Twilight dive-bombs into
the Library and right when she’s about to crash into it she teleports inside,
leaving poor Spike to crash onto a window and her into a pile books. That was a
great touch that justifies her being able to both fly and teleport at the same
time. It’s a good way of using both powers in a creative way. We see that the
rest of the Mane Six are at the library, looking for ways to solve whatever it
is that’s causing this situation, which I think is another brilliant scene. We
saw them doing this before in “Magic Duel”,
which also had Twilight away while the town was being invaded by the dark
forces of evil, and seeing them doing this again is really cool. I like how the
Mane Six have a natural instinct to move to the library to look for knowledge
when things don’t go right, which shows that they don’t need to depend on
Twilight giving them the answer to their problems. They can just walks towards
the library and look for that knowledge themselves.
"You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!" |
Very good subtle message right there for children and
adults alike.
Twilight briefs her friends in the situation, and
figures out that this sort of thing has happened before, what with the crazy
weather, the freaky plants, and the Sun and Moon being out of control. So they
grab the Elements of Harmony, step out into town, and together they summon
Discord in one of the best introductory scenes ever. Just seeing Discord taking
a shower while singing “Winter Wrap Up”
gives you an idea of the tone that every scene he is in is going to have. I have
a big problem with this scene though. The only reason the Mane Six can summon
Discord with the Elements is because Princess Celestia taught Twilight a magic
spell to do so, and we are only told this because Discord brings it up. When
did this happen? What spell is this? This is never explained in the series,
comic books or books from all I know. This is just a hand waving excuse to how
we can bring back Discord. Yeah, at least they do mention it, and they try to
explain it, and it’s clear that they are just summoning him not controlling
him, but it kind of annoys me. They could have done a mini comic, or a short
segment explaining how there is a summoning spell that requires the Elements of
Harmony, but I guess that wasn't as interesting as showing a parallel universe
where everybody is a colored human.
Priorities? What the hell is that!? |
Twilight is having none of his nonsense and she
quickly accuses Discord of kidnapping Celestia and Luna, and making the weather
and the plants all freaky and out of control. Discord simply shrugs and says he
can’t be blamed for it this time, since he is reformed and has no real reason
to be causing all this ruckus. I have to admit I have no problem with the
pacing of the scene right now, and it flows pretty well, but the first time I
watched it I felt it was going on for far too long. I felt like they were
dwelling way too much in the whole “Discord used to be a bad guy, so this is
his fault” theme, but after thinking about it for a couple of days it does make
sense that they don’t trust him. He is the Lord of Chaos, why would you trust
what he says? So my first impression wasn't so good, but the times after it
felt a lot better. Maybe it was me getting used to the pacing, or maybe I was
noticing things I wasn't noticing before. Besides, I love how Rainbow Dash,
Rarity and Applejack (my three favorites of the Mane Six) are the ones who are
determined to stone Discord again if he doesn’t cooperate.
The Elements of "I don't trust former villains", their leader is Jack Bauer. |
As Discord takes the backseat for a moment we see our
favorite zebra shaman come into the scene, being pushed out of the Everfree
Forest because even this is too much for her. Despite how happy I am to see
her, I feel like Zecora’s only role in this story is to carry a plot McGuffin
and nothing else, which is rather disappointing. She enters the scene to bring
a magic potion that only responds to Alicorn Magic. Why does she have this
potion? Where did it came from? Why is it purple? Why does it change to white
when Twilight’s magic hits it? Why white of all colors? And why does it require
dark magic in particular? None of these questions is ever answered. It’s not a
deal breaker for me though and, to be honest, I am a lot more concerned about
the destiny of Equestria and the fate of Celestia and Luna than where Zecora
got this potion in the first place, but it’s still a nagging issue that is hard
to silence. I am assuming here that Zecora developed an interest in gathering
Alicorn artifacts after she got her hooves on the Alicorn Amulet in Season 3,
and it’s already established that she possesses all kinds of potions in “The Cutie Pox”, so it would be a very
big stretch to assume that this is why she has this potion in particular, but
despite this it would have been nice to have some sort of explanation.
"Do I have to drink all of it?" " don't put it in your mouth, Twilight" |
So Twilight zaps the potion with her dark magic,
because things worked so well the last time she zapped something with the magic
made of death kittens and bad morning breath, and takes a sip of the potion
which makes her eyes glow and teleports her into some place she doesn’t
recognize, a castle of tall walls and columns, with tapestries of the Sun and
the Moon hanging behind and over two thrones. The music is as ominous as
ominous music can get, and from behind one of the thrones comes Princess Luna.
She warns her not to keep moving any further, and then proceeds to stomp her
hooves on the ground, which shatter the wall behind her, raises the Moon causing
a solar eclipse, and before Twilight’s horrified eyes she transforms back into
Nightmare Moon.
See you in a week! Cue the happy title credits! |
I don’t think many people remember, but for Seasons 1
and 2 each part of the two parter was aired with a week between each other,
never within the same day and one after the other. I remember waiting for seven
very long days to watch the conclusion of the Discord episodes, and it was pure
un-distilled agony. I don’t wish any other fan to suffer the same way we all
did when those episodes were aired in 2011. Imagine what the fandom would have
done if this two parter had been aired in two different weeks. To say we will
be losing our minds would be way going soft.
That’s not what happened here though, but it’s not
like we are thrown into a much better situation. After a rather pointless recap
of what happened a few seconds ago we return to Nightmare Moon cackling evilly
as she zaps the ceiling and destroys the statues, stepping out of the rubble,
dust and mist looking way more menacing than what she looked in the pilot
episodes. If the mood was ominous before now it’s so over the top it’s
ridiculous. Then Princess Celestia appears and Nightmare Moon doesn’t waste any
time and starts attacking her. Twilight tries to reason with the mare of
darkness, and even after Celestia’s plea to make her stop she charges forth and
chases her former sister all over the outside of the castle, in what I think is
a very well shot and very well planned out action scene. This is one of the
most badass moments in Friendship is Magic history. The chase between Nightmare
Moon and Celestia carries tones of Harry Potter and Hayao Miyazaki. It
culminates with Nightmare Moon finally hitting Celestia with one of her magic
beams hard enough to make her fall through the roof. Twilight rushes to tend to
the injured princess only to find her immobile on the castle floor. This leads
to one of my favorite moments of the entire episode, and a recurring theme with
two parters. I love seeing my favorite characters suffer, because from their
suffering and grief comes resolution and strength. I love that moment when
Twilight doesn’t understand why Luna is doing all this, and he she is so broken
with fear, despair and sadness that the only thing she has left is to cry. That’s
why when we see Celestia stand up again Twilight sounds so genuinely happy. It’s
just a great moment.
Yes, yes Twilight cry, cry harder! Come on baby, come on, cryyyyy! |
However, this makes Twilight realize that both her
teacher and Nightmare Moon have been ignoring her the whole time. Celestia
opens a trap door with her magic and out of it comes an altar with all the
Elements of Harmony, but there is something odd about them. These Elements look
more like Legend of Zelda rupees than what they look like right now. That’s
because Twilight is not in the present, but in a flashback, and she’s seeing
the night where Celestia banished her sister to the Moon. Celestia takes the
Elements, summons their power and zaps Nightmare Moon with a rainbow beam,
sending her to the Moon and leaving the well known unicorn head mark on its
surface. This scene is incredibly powerful and says a lot about the grief
Celestia had to go through, because the whole time she is summoning the power
of the Elements she is silently crying, her teeth clenched and tears running
down her cheeks as she is forced to banish her one and only sister for a
thousand years.
No! Wait! I forgot my 3DS's charger! |
Once the flashback is over Twilight comes back from
her trance, only to find her friends worried about her, as they had no idea
what was going on. She explains what the potion seems to do, and though she had
a vision from the past it doesn’t really explain what’s going on right now in
Ponyville and why the Princesses are gone. Not missing a beat she takes another
sip and she’s then transported back to when Celestia and Luna battled Discord
and turned him into stone. This flashback presents an Equestria with
square-pattern grass, fish swimming in the air, and Discord sitting at the top
of a throne eating something that looks like black sunflower seeds. He is so confident
that not even when the two Princesses summon the Elements on him he seems
phased or surprised about it. He even laughs when the rainbow hits him turning
him to stone, leaving him in the same position that he was when we first saw
him in “The Return of Harmony”. And
then, without even changing flashbacks, we are taken to a completely new
location and a new piece of Friendship is Magic lore, a white and blue tree
with the glow of a thousand stars that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia both
identify as the Tree of Harmony. What’s more interesting is that this tree has
the cutie marks of Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle, as well as the six
Elements of Harmony embedded in its bark. All this happened when Discord was
still ruling over Equestria, which makes me wonder why is Twilight’s cutie mark
embedded in the tree trunk. The two princesses take the Elements out of the
Tree, as Celestia explains that even without them the tree has enough magic
power to contain everything that lives around it. With this new information
Twilight finally figures out that the Tree of Harmony has lost control of its
surroundings, and that they need to go save it before it’s too late. So, where
is this tree located?
Take a fucking guess. |
Sometimes I wonder why don’t they just take a
flamethrower to the forest and get rid of it once and for all. But never mind
that, there is a callback to the first episodes to do! As the Mane Six stand in
front of the forest determined to go in there and save the day, we are reminded
of the very second episode of the series, and how Twilight acknowledges that
she was reckless for thinking she should be going alone. It doesn’t take long
before they get attacked by a rockodile (it’s actually a cragadile, for some
reason rockodile didn’t pass legal) that almost kills Twilight if it wasn't for
Applejack’s quick reflexes with her lasso and the help of the other ponies.
This leads Applejack stepping forth and saying that they should keep looking
for the tree of harmony without Twilight. In case you are wondering she says
this is because Equestria has already lost two Princesses. Losing Princess
Twilight would be too hard a hit for the Equestrians to endure, and we can’t
count of Cadance because…she is doing another toy commercial or something. With
the support of Rarity and the agreement of every pony else, Twilight walks back
to Ponyville and leaves the rest of her friends to look for the tree. In the end
the Mane Six minus Twilight end up finding the tree of Harmony being strangled
and consumed by the black vines, but they have no idea how to save it. The only
one who might know is Twilight. I find the parallelism really interesting here.
I love how at the beginning of the series Twilight was the one who thought she
could venture into the forest by herself, and now it’s the rest of the Mane Six
who think they can do the same without Twilight. In the end they both reach the
same conclusion: They are powerless without the other/s.
You're banned from the Everfree Server for swearin' like a truck driver, sugar cube. |
Twilight’s visit to Ponyville doesn’t last long
though, since it only takes a couple of minutes and Discord’s poisonous
personality to make Twilight turn tail and go back into the forest to help her
friends. Sadly this ends with her being gassed into unconsciousness by a group
of carnivore plants. It’s in the middle of all this when Spike rushes to the
Mane Six to inform them that Twilight is in danger, and just in the nick of
time they arrive to save her from the plants. After doing so they tell Twilight
that they are lost without her and that they shouldn't have let her go in the
first place, which hopefully will lead to them never ever questioning Twilight
I understand those who have an issue with this scene
but, to be honest with you, I think it works better than we give it credit for.
Let me use an example from a movie that we all know had a similar set up. In “Independence Day” we have the President
of the United States getting into battle flying a combat airship and killing
aliens. Okay, it’s a sci-fi movie, but you have to admit it’s pretty
irresponsible to have the President get into the freight of combat and have
nobody question this. Not the Secretary of Defense, not the airforce, nobody
comes out and tries to talk the President out of it. Not even Robert Loggia can
make him change his mind. The scene where Applejack and Rarity tell Twilight to
step down is there because the characters are smart enough to know that they
are expendable, but Twilight is not. The Mane Six have always had the responsibility
to defend Equestria, but now one of them is responsible to both defend it and
rule it. Losing her would be too much for the land to handle. This doesn’t
justify the scene being rushed, it’s rushed because the episode is only 22
minutes long, but I am really glad that the characters are smart enough to acknowledge
a situation and act in consequence like any other normal and sensible person
would. As much as it causes them grief to put Twilight in danger, they need her
to save Equestria, and it’s necessary for her to be in jeopardy. It’s a no win
scenario that the Mane Six are forced to confront. They try to get around it
but it quickly revolves against them. This is them trying to fight the
situation and failing at that.
Sounds familiar? |
So, after they reunite, Twilight walks towards the
tree and figures out the only way to save it: They need to give it back the
Elements of Harmony. This is, obviously, received with distraught reactions
from all of the other ponies. Rainbow Dash says they will be unable to defend
Equestria without them. Rarity says that they won’t be able to put Discord back
into his stone prison. And Applejack is worried that the one thing that brought
them together will be gone forever. Twilight explains that the Elements might
have brought them all together, but they are not what’s keeping them together. What’s
keeping them together is their friendships, and that’s something that will
never disappear. Twilight then takes the Element gemstones out of the
necklaces, takes her own out of her crown, and puts them back inside the tree,
causing it to glow and erase all the vines out of existence, freeing Ponyville,
and releasing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna out of their vine prisons.
Right when the three princesses are hugging after being reunited, Twilight’s
eyes sparkle the same way they sparked when she first fought Nightmare Moon and
when she finished Starswirl’s unfinished spell, and the cutie marks on the tree
trunk shine. Out of it a sprout comes out, which grows into a flower out of
which appears a sealed chest with six locks. Celestia says she knows nothing
about the keys that open this chest, but assures Twilight that this mystery is
one that she won’t be solving alone.
How can that stupid cane have more memes than me? |
As the Mane Six return to Ponyville they are greeted
by Discord, who takes the whole returning of the elements back to the tree with
a caustic smug grin, before Fluttershy goes at him and reprimands him for even
think about being naughty. It’s during this scene when Twilight wonders why did
the Everfree Forest started attacking at this very moment, to which Discord
pretty much says “Oh, this was supposed to happen years ago, but I
overestimated the power of the tree of Harmony”. We are then treated to another
flashback where it’s revealed to us that those seeds Discord was eating were,
of course, seeds of discord, and they were supposed to take hold of the Tree of
Harmony and spread all over Equestria in the case he was gone, kind of a “Fuck
you” to Celestia after getting trapped in stone. Twilight gets mad at Discord,
but he argues that he was just helping in giving her a lesson of humility. It
was more or less at this point when I realized Discord is starting to be less
Discord and more Q, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We are getting to
that episode where Twilight is sleeping in bed, wakes up and Discord is laying
right next to her. Believe me, it’s going to happen. Back in Canterlot the
Summer Sun Celebration finally reaches its end, with Princess Luna lowering the
Moon, Princess Celestia rising the Sun, and Princess Twilight flying and in
between them right when Sun and Moon meet in the sky. The ponies cheer, the
fans scream “SYMBOLISM!” and the two
parter ends, with Twilight now cemented in her new position as Princess of
So that was the long awaited and really hyped up two
parter “Princess Twilight Sparkle”, and
what can I say about it that hasn't already been said? Like I said before it is
my favorite of the two parters, it has a lot of things that make it an
experience to watch, but it still has a couple of problems that keep it from
being in my personal top ten. None of the two parters is in this top ten, and
even though this one is the closest to get there I still have to address a
couple of flaws in it.
Awww how cute, you have flaws to point at. |
In my opinion I think the biggest flaw in this episode
is the lack of comedy in it. It’s not a complete absent of it, and in the end
the kind of tone they were going with this was darker, somber, and a lot more
serious than in previous two parters, but not all the comedy worked all that
well. I will tell you right now, everything with Discord was perfect. It was
random, witty, very creative, and it always took a chuckle out of me. Seeing
him dressed as a French maid, a cowboy, or sitting on an armchair with 3D
glasses and a bucket of popcorn was hilarious, and John de Lancie did an
amazing work as always. However, that’s where it stops. Every other type of
comedy was either hit or miss. In an episode with such a dark atmosphere you
need to throw in some comedy to ease the tension and justify the horrors that
the characters have to go through, otherwise you run the risk of making the
drama so over the top it becomes funny. Pinkie Pie was probably the biggest
flaw in this respect. Her jokes didn’t always hit bull’s-eye. I thought the
joke where she sent a letter to Twilight when they were departing Canterlot was
pretty funny and very in-character, but every other joke felt forced, like the
frosting dreams one, or when she’s drawing on a “Choose your own adventure” book at the library. She was also
relegated to the background in many of the scenes, which is something that also
happened to Fluttershy. For the majority of the episode I forgot that she was
even in it. Only towards the end I remembered that she was around, and it was
only because she had to keep Discord under control. Aside from that it felt
like she wasn't there at all.
Sir Not-appearing-in-this-film played by Fluttershy. |
But if we speak of things that were not there at all
probably the biggest question has to be made about the origin of the Tree of
Harmony, and the Alicorn potion. These two, I am going to have a hard time letting
them go, the same way it’s hard for me to let go what happened with that book
that Spike found in the secret compartment at the Golden Oak Library. Why is
the Tree of Harmony in the Everfree Forest? Where did it come from? And why was
it holding the Elements of Harmony? But what’s most important is, why does it
have the Cutie marks of Celestia, Luna and Twilight? I am going to make no
assumptions, after all the season is just starting, but I hope all of these
questions are answered when that mysterious chest is opened. I don’t see the
Flashback potion getting an explanation, though. Zecora has it just because,
for the same reason Big Daddy has a Rocket Launcher in his house. She just has
it, and if you have a problem with it you can suck it. I still don’t know why
the liquid turns from purple to white though, but the rule 34 side of the fandom
sure is having a field day with it (I sure did).
Introduce "That's not milk" joke right here. |
That’s where the things that I didn’t like end. Aside
from that I loved everything else. And I don’t mean to make a hyperbole, saying
that I loved almost everything and then there are two or three things that I
liked just okay, but that’s not true. I literally loved everything else.
Ready to start listing! |
Starting with the voice acting, the writing and the
characters, this show has gotten deep and really interesting, even more so than
before. Twilight Sparkle is presented as a fully flexed out three dimensional
character with no signs of Flanderization. She has her insecurities and fears,
but when the shit hits the fan she is able to put all of that aside and focus
on the problem, tackling it as a very no-nonsense leader. She is strong, but
she is flawed, and it’s clear that she needs the support of her friends to pull
through her problems, something that’s present in this episode several times.
Tara Strong was right when she said she didn’t change her performance as
Twilight, though she does add a lot of new tones we have never seen in Twilight
before. There is a lot of genuine emotion going on in the scene where Twilight
thinks that Celestia is dead, that broken sobbing just tears me apart.
Applejack has definitely moved away from her stubborn stigma and is now more of
a motherly figure to the entire group. She too is brave and very no-nonsense,
but she knows when to be tender and when to be direct. She says things like
they are, and doesn’t try to dress them to make the impact less hurtful. She
can be able to get Twilight happy, and when to tell her that she’s way too over
her head. She might not be all resourceful when solving a problem (since
everything she knows to do is just bite the weeds out of existence), though
there is only a number of things an earth pony can do before it runs out of options,
and she compensates this by letting others help her with it. Rarity of all
ponies was the one that supported Applejack the most during the episode. I
would have never imagined these two agreeing with anything, but it’s clear that
they have come a long way and now are able to support each other when
discussions arise. Rarity was great, not only in the side of comedy (of which
she had a little but very effective) but also in the active side when it came
to fighting the evil vines, or looking for a solution. She is also there to
support Twilight and give her the bit of confidence she’s missing. Rainbow Dash
stayed in character, both in how bold and secure of herself she is, but also
how quick she is to jump to conclusions, and how these always end up kicking
her in the ass. Despite what I said about how Pinkie Pie wasn't all that funny
and how Fluttershy didn’t appear enough, they were respectively harmless and
welcoming. They stayed in character, even though they didn’t have enough screen
We will make up for it with lots of badassery. |
The episodes look gorgeous, and I mean jaw-dropping,
state of the art, honest to God gorgeous visuals. These are probably the best
looking episodes of Friendship is Magic we have had to date, surpassing the
likes of “Sonic Rainboom”, “Luna Eclipsed”, “The Return of Harmony” or “A
Canterlot Wedding”. Everything in them looked and felt as epic as the story
they are telling. The camera angles are dramatic and carry very well the impact
of the scene, as well as showing us sceneries that are both haunting and beautiful.
Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon is horrifying, and the subsequent
chase scene on the outside of the castle is memorable and award worthy. Seeing
Ponyville covered in black weeds was frightening, and added a lot of tension to
an already tense story. Their animation made them a silent antagonist, the one
that snakes behind you and doesn’t tell you it’s there until it’s too late, and
even though the powers they gave them seemed like they were making up as they
went (like the magic interference one), I will consider them to be a genuine
threat. The Everfree Forest continues to be a source for creative creatures,
like that rock crocodile, or the sleep inducing carnivore plants, and it looks
and feels as threatening as ever. The flashback to when Discord was reigning
was really interesting too, with how the music warped, and the scenario
acquired this dream like feel to it.

Flash. DHX, you guys are the best. |
The keyword to describe the look of these episodes is
definitely atmosphere. You could cut it with a knife and serve it in portions.
It went from heavy, to confusing, to poisonous, to overwhelming. It sucks you
into the world of Equestria and the incredible crisis is going through during
these two episodes. I didn’t think the visual style of the show could get better
after what we have seen in the previous two seasons, but it’s clear that DHX is
pushing the envelope when it comes to doing amazing things with Flash. With
Flash! I still can’t believe that, it looks so beautiful and stylized, it’s
just impressive and magnificent.
The writing is also great too. I already mentioned my
two problems, what with the Tree of Harmony and the Flashback potion, but
everything else flowed and moved very naturally. We go from scene to scene with
good segues and seamless transitions, and the timing when it comes to reveal
something dreadful or delivering a joke’s punch line is right on. But if I am
going to compliment the writing in one thing that is the tone of it. Yes, it
can be too dramatic and too dark at times, but that’s one of the reasons why I
enjoyed it so much. I can ignore the lack of humor in some scenes so I can bask
in the pressing atmosphere of dread and drama this episode brings in. It shows
that play time is over; things have gone beyond real. It’s like the series has
a line, they crossed it, and then they set the line on fire. It’s so good and
so enjoyable how it puts Twilight to the test and how she comes out of it victorious,
a validation for turning her into a Princess and ascending her to alicornhood.
This two parter justifies giving her wings, a higher position in Equestria’s
ranking, and the power to take decisions and face the consequences. And what’s
most remarkable about it is that this whole feat is accomplished without
fighting any villain whatsoever.
In the end, vines proved to be a more effective villain than stairs and doors. |
Yes, kind of interesting, isn't it? When you really
think about it there is no real villain in these episodes. One might argue that
Discord was the one behind it all, since he was the one who planted the seeds,
but he had lost control of his own scheme when the seeds of chaos didn’t sprout
when they were supposed to. There is no evil villain in the castle, or satanic
overlord that wants to recover his empire. The real villain here is a situation
that can only be compared with a natural disaster, and those are probably the
scariest situations one can confront; the situations where you are completely
powerless to fight against, where all that’s left is to stay together and
renounce to some of the things you hold dear the most, kind of like how
Twilight has to give up the Elements of Harmony in order to protect Equestria.
You can’t fire your rainbow beam to something that doesn’t even have a face,
especially when you know it’s not going to work, you need to find another
solution even if you and your loved ones have to lose something in the process.
We might not have the Elements anymore, but we still have each other. |
So, overall, these were some great episodes,
definitely my favorite two parter out of all the ones this series has gotten. There
were great moments, really well written dialogue, gorgeous visuals, great music,
the characters were spot on, their relationships felt strong and their
interactions really natural, there was lots of world building, it brought in
new mythos to the lore of Friendship is Magic, it had an insightful view in the
history of Equestria, it presented the conflict and its resolution really well,
and it set up a season long history arc that I seriously hope pays off in the
end. It will be a disappointment if they open the box only to find another
smaller box inside.
Though, come to think of it, that would be a really
funny twist.
Seriously though, this better be worth it or else the streets will run red with...ketchup. |
- Defining Moment: The first flashback where Twilight
is all confused about what’s happening around her, and its resolution with
Celestia banishing Luna to the Moon. Three minutes of pure solid storytelling
with almost no dialogue and some of the most haunting visuals this show has
ever had.
- Moral: Sometimes it’s necessary to make sacrifices
for the greater good.
And now, have an extra addendum where my good friend Norman Sanzo and I review these two episodes!
Fantastic review! I'm glad to see you back! =D
ReplyDelete"In the next scene we have Twilight organizing the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration with the help of Spike and his new pencil! I know it’s weird for me to point this it out, but of all the things that popped up to me during this scene it was the pencil the one that stuck with me."
Hah! I thought I was the only one. Spike finally using a pencil stuck out to me too, more than it really ought to have.
Not much I can really add to this since you covered a lot already including some of what I had said in my original review I posted on the episode followup page. That being said there was a major theme I saw in this episode. I saw that the bulk of the interactions and conversations with the Mane 6 involved them emphasizing that they will be together. Either with Applejack talking about how they are united or the group and Twilight seeing that they need each other and shouldn't be split up it all continues to drive home the point that the writers wanted to make sure us bronies got in our heads: that Twilight is still going to be Twilight and she is still going to be with her friends. They even covered the "what about Twilight's importance in the kingdom" question here when they send Twilight back to town and since I know this question had to be asked to make sure that the point was fully driven home that Twilight would be with her friends I actually had no problem with it being a tad rushed. It had to be asked and if it hadn't been done then I don't think it would have been done.
ReplyDeleteAll in all I personally consider this not only the best season opener but the best FiM episodes thus far. This will now be the episode that I can be like "Oh you want to see why this show is awesome? Watch this episode." For months I've had a friend I've been slowly getting into the brony fandom but aside from the Discord episodes (he loves Star Trek so I knew starting there would be good) I really couldn't think of many episodes he would like without already being a brony. Then this episode happened and I got him to watch it and he thought it was awesome so that's huge progress. Since I guess you didn't get around to reading my comment on your Turnabout Storm review I just wanted to say thanks again for reviewing that and I can't wait to read the rest of your season 4 stuff as it comes out.
You know James? I must admid it, Meghan McCarthy made me worried after her works in the S3 (Crystal Empire and Equestria Girls, I'm not a big fan for both of them), but now that she made my new favorite two-parter in the entire show, I've not problems anymore.
ReplyDelete- ehm I seem to recall Lord of the Rings bringing life back to the movie industry and make the room for blockbuster two hours long pieces. And before that was Titanic which came less than two years after Cuthroath Island. And why does everybody hates that movie? I barely recall it and I loved the sega genesis game.
ReplyDelete- Love you intepretation of the intro =)
- Yeah, I was one of those who complained to Mcharthy but she later retracted for that statement. Honestly, had she said they were going to adress that issue, it would have been better. I honestly think she has nobody to blame but herself for the things she says. That womans needs a tumblr.
- ouch, that jab at Equestria Girls hurt. Meh, I have no problem with that scene, in fact, it helps explain a point that Polsky missed in Keep Calm about the Elements working individually. Makes sense to me, I guess I´m saying.
- For what I understand, Pinkie originally got a scene trying on different hats while the weather kept changing, which was more slapstick. I would have traded Rarity scene for that one but then you´ll be complaining of lack of best pony XP
Yup, great review as always. Hope you´re feeling better since I read you were kind of down in your twitter =)
It's very serendipitous how in the same year we got Iron Man 3, we get a second story about a hero renouncing their powers as a metaphor for how much said powers have made them stronger, better people in the process.
ReplyDelete"You can take away our fancy necklaces and crowns, but there's one thing you can't take away: WE ARE THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY"
...still I'm pretty sure that whatever's in the box is just gonna replace the EOH anyway.
I have to admit this is my favorite two parter story also. It had a lot of good points that you listed and the tone, while serious, worked really well.
ReplyDeleteI do wonder about the Tree of Harmony though. And the fact that Celestia and Luna pretty much stole the elements from it. Before the Discord seed reveal I was persuaded that the whole thing was a belated revenge plot by the tree to punish the two alicorns who stole from it. And that after getting back what it had lost the tree was calmed down and freed the two sisters.
Cadance's existance seem to always flip flop in this. We know she's busy with the cristal empire so she can't be bothered to rule both or something but even with the tree. We had Celestia, Luna, and Twilight's cutey mark but no Cadance. So I guess it rules out the "Alicorn power tree" theory.
My theory right now is that since it seems Celestia and Luna are a immortal legend type of alicorn maybe Twilight is too. And that she, unlike the two, is rebirthed from time to time into a different pony but always with that cutey mark.
Great review, as always.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mind the lack of comedy at all, personally, as well as the absence of explanation about the Tree of Harmony (it keeps some mystery intact, which is always a good thing). Zecora's potion was a bit out of nowhere, though, but oh well, like you said, it's not that big of a stretch.
But I'd like to know what you think about the Nightmare Moon flashback, aside from its flawless and gorgeous execution: it does give the impression that Luna turned into NMM for literally 5 minutes before being sent to the moon. Do you think that's how long lasted her rebellion?
Good to see you come back.
ReplyDeleteBest Season opening until now.
Thanks for the great review!
ReplyDeleteI use to read your reviews on MLP episodes because I'd like to broaden my mind. Your reasoning is so intelligent that I can fully understand your opinion even if I disagree with some points. So, I decided to write short comments with my opinions on all your episode-reviews of Season 4 -a true brony doesn't just take, but gives back something in return :). I'm not a professional reviewer (and I'm not a native English speaker as well), hence my thoughts will be mostly subjective and simplistic. I'm a moral-centric viewer; besides, there are four other aspects that I'm touchy about: humor, drama, cuteness and insaneness.
This two parter was a good one, but not good enough for my taste. My rating is: 3/5. However, be careful with this rating! The first double episode "Friendship is Magic", which turned me (and other thousands of people) into a brony, got the same rating. This is the MLP standard average rate, far beyond the level of any other cartoon created so far.
So, the episode has some really good points and some bad points too.
Good points:
It has a uniquely intricate plotline with great twists (almost-time-traveling potion, parts of Discord, AJ send Twilight home, small hexagonal chest). It is the strongest feature of this two parter and I enjoyed it the most. I hope we can see more episodes of this kind.
The 'best scene award' goes to the one, where AJ send Twilight home! It was like AJ would have said, "We are all expendable, but you are a princess. We will defend you by all means." Oh, my God, the air froze in my room and my heart stopped bumping for a moment! What is a drama, if not this!? It was the most touching moment in the whole episode.
There are other important and serious things here.
Twilight have to deal with being a princess. What are the problems that a new princess should face with? The story fulfils this purpose in every aspect. Here, I mean EVERY aspect. I counted at least eight of them, which is awesome!
The flashbacks were really long-awaited and filled huge gaps about the most important events of Equestrian history. At the Nightmare Moon scene I do not know that it will be a flashback, which is funny, and I was surprised at the end. The animation was spectacular. The fight between Celestia and Nightmare Moon was also well-made and enjoyable.
I am fully convinced that Discord is reformed. The humor was concentrated around him, and he was such an excellent and hilarious character. Sadly, the others were not so funny. Though, one can easily find out that this double episode wasn't a humor-centric one.
At the end, we had the Tree of Harmony, which is probably the most powerful thing near and far, and the small hexagonal chest, which made me just more curious about season 4.
ReplyDeleteBad points:
There was less humor than usual. The few funny and dramatic parts were scattered along the plotline and it didn't give a smooth feeling.
The atmosphere was a bit too dark. To think of it for the second time, it could have been a good thing, if it would have supported a strong moral. However, I felt the moral weak for this purpose because it was unemphasized. The ponies of course sacrifice the elements of harmony for they have no other choice. I rather think, the moral is supposed to be about what friendship means in this new situation. The Mane 6 learned that they are getting nowhere without each other.
Sometimes it felt like Twilight was forced to do things to show she is prepared to be a princess -and maybe, to assure us that "Magical Mystery Cure" makes any sense-, e.g. when she instructed the royal guards.
Pinkie was out of character in most of the time -though, it is a long-lasting tendency and isn't totally the fault of this episode. She does random things around, but nothing, which shows her other sides. It was perfectly done e.g. in "Bridle Gossip", "Green Isn't Your Color" or in "The Last Roundup", where Pinkie was a great supportive character.
There are some inconsistencies and unanswered questions. The two most annoying one:
Where is Cadence in the meantime? Did she have a spa-therapy in the Crystal Empire? Didn't she noticed the moon and the sun being together on the sky?
Why didn't RD fly right off to save Twilight in 10 seconds flat, when she was captured by the evil carnivore plants? She could have done it and it would have fitted better to her personality.
The graphics were all good, but Celestia looked a bit weird.
All in all, if season 4 keeps up this level and get over the problems of season 3, there won't be problems.
If you think about it, you can realize the similarities with "The Crystal Empire" in story structure and atmosphere. Luckily, here the implementation was undoubtedly better. However, I still reckon "The Return of Harmony" is the best two parter (maybe the best MLP episode) so far.